3rd Colour Ray of Wisdom
3rd ONLINE session with light code healing & activation to awaken and remember.
Available spots
Service Description
The 3rd Colour Ray of Wisdom session - Each Colour Ray Session (one through thirteen) will be offered as individual group sessions for those that wish to participate in the group but wish to book one at a time rather than all of the sessions at once. The sessions will be recorded and available for playback if you are unable to attend the live sessions. Whether you attend live or view the recording, the energy will have the same potency and you will receive in the same way regardless of how you choose to participate. Each colour ray session will be 90 to 120 minutes. This session will cover information on the 3rd Colour Ray of Wisdom and the responsible beings and wisdom associated with it. Within the session you can expect: -Revealing the colour ray -Defining factors of the colour frequency and purpose -Archangel, Ascended Master and Elohim associated with the colour ray -Direct channeled information through Dene and the Ascended Masters -Light language and codes to activate your DNA -Video Recordings ***BONUS During each colour ray session Dene will be guided to a specific SOUL RETRIEVAL associated to that aspect of life/timeline where you may be experiencing blockages. This will be a Quantum Shamanic Group Session and can be life changing! The course in its entirety will run from September 8, 2024 to June 8, 2025 meeting every three weeks on Sundays from 6:00 - 7:30 pm Quito, Ecuador time zone. The course will be recorded for anyone that is not available for every class. It is not necessary to be in the live sessions although it is recommended for personal growth. The container is an opportunity for spiritual connections that can last a lifetime! We connect with others that are experiencing similar things to us that are not always understood in the mainstream. 3rd Colour Ray session date is November 10th, 2024

Cancellation Policy
Workshops / Courses / Webinars In the event that you are no longer able to attend a workshop for any reason, a 50% refund will be issued if notified within 14 days prior to the event. Participation fees are transferable up to 48-hours prior to the start of the workshop. If the workshop is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances on the part of Moved 2 Heal, a full refund will be applied. You are not granted permission to publish any portion of any of the services publicly except with previous written authorization given by us. Any recording is for your use only.
Contact Details
+593 096 750 2874